Posts Tagged ‘tutoring’
My life as a teacher
Today I wanted to tell you about my life as an teacher. After I graduated with a teaching degree in Psychology and EFL, I decided to travel for several years. During that time, I taught in three different countries, and it was an amazing experience. I also noticed how students everywhere seemed to have the…
Read MoreMy high school years
If you had known me in high school… … you would know: I was a Genius! 🤓 What do my high school friends say? If you ask my friends from school about the way I studied for tests, they will all tell you that I was a genius❗️ A GENIUS IN LEARNING…
Read MoreRecognizing stress triggers 🙇
Did you know that stress can show in many different ways? Observe yourself… Many students report the following reasons for their stress: 1️⃣ deadlines 2️⃣ wanting to do too many things at once 3️⃣ not being able to say “NO” to friends Just because you WANT to do more, doesn’t mean you’re gaining more quality…
Read MoreHow to declutter bad habits🧹
Are you sometimes seeing slow process in your studying? Maybe you should start thinking about declutterring your bad habits when studying. What are bad habits? We all have bad habits that keep us from being more productive. Let’s look at them more closely.🤓 Try and think of your habits, school- or work-related,…
Read MoreHow to become a more successful student 🤓
How to become a more successful student? As a teacher of a successful student I can tell you… I understand how discouraging it is to study a lot but never see any change in your grades. Have you ever thought about what the reason could be? 🤔 I remember too well from my time…
Read MoreThe 80-20 rule (aka Pareto’s principle) ✅
Today we will take a look at the infamous Pareto’s principle. How to recognize the Pareto’s principle Do you study 80% of the time and feel like you get 20% results⁉️ Then PARETO‘s principle (aka 80/20 rule) will be useful to you!😊 Know that… 80% of your effort will give you 20% of…
Read MoreStill room for improvement? Try Academic Coaching!
Are you feeling satisfied with the amount and quality of work you get done? Academic coaching can help boost your productivity! If you think there is still some room for improvement, you’ll get some useful tips here on how to make yourself more productive! 🤓 Academic coaching through online courses Check out my…
Read MoreWelcome Learners!
Hi learners! I‘m so glad you‘re here!😊 You’re about to find out what YOU need most to become a more successful learner! Did I tell you that after teaching in three different countries I saw that the same problems for students reappear year after year? This is why I started collecting ideas…
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