Why Academic Coaching is not the same as Tutoring

Multiple times over the last three years parents have approached me with the same question. Can I offer tutoring for their kids? The answer is usually a hard pass. But why don‘t I give them tutoring lessons?   In order to understand this better, one needs to acknowledge that tutoring is not the solution to…

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Schulsystem in Paraguay & beste Schulen für Auswanderer 🇵🇾

Viele Auswanderer stellen sich die Frage, welche Bildungsmöglichkeiten in Paraguay bestehen und welche Schule dabei passend für das eigene Kind ist. Wer sich bei Eltern schulpflichtiger Kinder in Paraguay umhört, wird schnell erkennen, dass es jede Menge Meinungen und Vorurteile darüber gibt. Dabei darf nicht vergessen werden, dass die richtige Schule immer eine persönliche Entscheidung…

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Tips to support a perfectionist teenager

The other day I put out an Instagram poll in my Story to ask all teenagers to tell me what was currently stressing them out the most. Besides the common answers like school and parents, I thought one answer was particularly useful to take up as a blog post and video idea. A perfectionist personality?…

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How do you teach self-confidence to your child?

(Video in German with 🇺🇸🇧🇷🇵🇾 subtitles👍) Two weeks ago I put out a video asking parents what they think were important skills to learn for their children and teens. Their responses ranged from self-responsibility, finding a circle of friends, motivation and self-confidence.   Since self-confidence and motivation go hand in hand, I decided to take…

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Top Test Preparation Tips for Students 15+ years

There comes a time where simply reading your notes is not gonna help you score good grades anymore. Understanding your test conditions can help you already while you study and prepare for your upcoming exam. The following are proven strategies that have helped many students improve test scores and prepare more effectively for exams.  …

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Why try Active Listening with your Teen?

What is Active Listening & why should I use it? Have you ever been told “You don’t get it!” Sometimes it might be a tense situation you’re in and emotions are overwhelming. Other times your teen might have the feeling that they told you something and were misunderstood. Knowing how to apply Active Listening will…

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3 powerful tricks to boost your learning process

How does your mood affect your learning? Did you know that the conditions you’re in when studying affect you in your test situation? Your goal should therefore be to create the same or similar conditions when studying as there are during the test situation.    I want to tell you about three interesting facts about…

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