Interleaving effect – the better way to learn

What is the Interleaving effect? Even though this method is by far more superior over other learning methods, it is hardly used in schools. Keep on reading to find out why, or watch my video on this memory-boosting learning technique.   Watch the video on the Interleaving effect and don’t forget to subscribe!   If…

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Tips to support a perfectionist teenager

The other day I put out an Instagram poll in my Story to ask all teenagers to tell me what was currently stressing them out the most. Besides the common answers like school and parents, I thought one answer was particularly useful to take up as a blog post and video idea. A perfectionist personality?…

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💁🏻‍♀️ How to spend your STUDY BREAK 👍

Your study time and study break should be well-planned.    That means, you should put some thoughts in how you organize your breaks when learning at home as well.   What to do during your study break  👉 When taking breaks, AVOID SCREEN TIME. The time you spend on your phone or computer during your…

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Recognizing time thieves ⏱⏳

Besides the classic time thieves known amongst students, such as…   interruptions internet your own thoughts chaos, disorder lack of motivation noise having no clear goal in mind   … there are a number of “hidden” time thieves that I want you to be aware of!   Do you ever notice any of the following…

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Truth be told…. 😇

Learn Allover

I was not a big book nerd when I was in school. Especially when I was getting older, I noticed how I was still able to do certain literature assignments in class without having read the materials to the course. The truth is I lacked motivation and learned to get by without putting in much…

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My life as a teacher

Learn Allover

Today I wanted to tell you about my life as an teacher. After I graduated with a teaching degree in Psychology and EFL, I decided to travel for several years. During that time, I taught in three different countries, and it was an amazing experience. I also noticed how students everywhere seemed to have the…

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Recognizing stress triggers 🙇

Learn Allover Stress triggers

Did you know that stress can show in many different ways? Observe yourself… Many students report the following reasons for their stress: 1️⃣ deadlines 2️⃣ wanting to do too many things at once 3️⃣ not being able to say “NO” to friends Just because you WANT to do more, doesn’t mean you’re gaining more quality…

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How to declutter bad habits🧹

Learn Allover Declutter bad habits

Are you sometimes seeing slow process in your studying? Maybe you should start thinking about declutterring your bad habits when studying.     What are bad habits? We all have bad habits that keep us from being more productive. Let’s look at them more closely.🤓   Try and think of your habits, school- or work-related,…

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