Study in different places for better long-term memory

How to improve your memory while studying? Whereas having the same workspace (e.g. your desk) is beneficial when you want to get into your study mode (for doing homework, writing your to-do list for the next day and so on), you might want to consider changing the context of your study situation when preparing for…

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How to save time studying? RECALL vs. RECOGNITION for test preparation

Self-testing is a must before every test. But which study method saves time and also improves your memory?🤷🏻‍♀️   While studying you might think, ”ah I’ll think of that answer for sure, that seems easy…” but especially if you study fast, re-accessing your memory might be hard.   Self-testing is a must before every test!…

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Morning vs. Night person

Hello, I’m Alexandra, productivity coach and… night person! 😊   You might wonder… why you sometimes get more or less work done at a certain time of the day 🤔   Productivity depends on multiple factors: your stress level the topic you‘re working on the time of the day your biological clock     The…

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💁🏻‍♀️ How to spend your STUDY BREAK 👍

Your study time and study break should be well-planned.    That means, you should put some thoughts in how you organize your breaks when learning at home as well.   What to do during your study break  👉 When taking breaks, AVOID SCREEN TIME. The time you spend on your phone or computer during your…

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How to improve my memory when studying

Learn Allover Why do we remember something?

How do I make lasting memory and transfer it from our short-term store to our long-term store? These tips will help you remember better. Learning is the process of acquiring knowledge or information. It happens (ideally) when we’re taught something, or teach ourselves something. Especially in school, and in life, you need to retain much…

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Recognizing time thieves ⏱⏳

Besides the classic time thieves known amongst students, such as…   interruptions internet your own thoughts chaos, disorder lack of motivation noise having no clear goal in mind   … there are a number of “hidden” time thieves that I want you to be aware of!   Do you ever notice any of the following…

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Truth be told…. 😇

Learn Allover

I was not a big book nerd when I was in school. Especially when I was getting older, I noticed how I was still able to do certain literature assignments in class without having read the materials to the course. The truth is I lacked motivation and learned to get by without putting in much…

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My life as a teacher

Learn Allover

Today I wanted to tell you about my life as an teacher. After I graduated with a teaching degree in Psychology and EFL, I decided to travel for several years. During that time, I taught in three different countries, and it was an amazing experience. I also noticed how students everywhere seemed to have the…

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My high school years

Learn Allover

If you had known me in high school…   … you would know: I was a Genius! 🤓   What do my high school friends say? If you ask my friends from school about the way I studied for tests, they will all tell you that I was a genius❗️   A GENIUS IN LEARNING…

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