Supporting Students with ADHD in the Classroom: Strategies for Teachers

When I first started teaching, I never realized just how much mental health could impact a student’s ability to learn. Despite having a background in psychology, I didn’t receive much training on how to recognize or support students with ADHD. As a result, it was difficult for me to know how to help my students who were struggling to focus, pay attention, and regulate their behavior in the classroom. 



Over time, I learned more about ADHD through collaborating with other academic coaches and teachers. While I am by no means an expert on the topic, I believe that sharing what I have learned can be helpful for other teachers and educators who may be facing similar challenges in their own classrooms.



As a teacher, I have encountered several students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in my classroom. ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects a student’s ability to focus, sit still, and control their impulses. It can be challenging for both the student and the teacher. But with the right support and understanding, students with ADHD can thrive in the classroom. It’s important to consult with personal academic or medical advisors for individual help because every student’s needs are unique.

Understanding ADHD and its Impact on Learning


As a teacher, it’s important to recognize that ADHD is not just a matter of poor behavior or laziness, but a real neurological condition that affects a student’s ability to learn. ADHD can manifest in different ways and can present unique challenges for each student. Some students may struggle with inattention, becoming easily distracted or unable to focus on tasks for extended periods of time. Other students may struggle with impulsivity, acting without thinking through the consequences of their actions. And still others may struggle with hyperactivity, finding it difficult to sit still or remain calm for long periods of time.



For students with ADHD, these symptoms can have a significant impact on their academic performance and participation in class. Students may find it difficult to follow along with lessons or complete assignments, leading to frustration and a sense of inadequacy. They may also struggle to engage with their peers or interact with teachers in a positive way, further hindering their ability to learn and thrive in the classroom.


Therefore, it’s important to approach students with ADHD with empathy and understanding. Rather than viewing their behavior as intentional or willful, it’s important to recognize that these students may need extra support and accommodations to succeed. By providing structure, clear expectations, and frequent feedback, teachers can help students with ADHD feel more confident and supported in the classroom. With the right tools and support, students with ADHD can thrive and achieve their full potential in school and beyond.


Creating a Structured and Predictable Classroom Environment


One of the most effective ways to support students with ADHD is to create a structured and predictable classroom environment. This can include establishing routines, providing clear instructions, and minimizing distractions.



Routines help students with ADHD feel more secure and in control, reducing their anxiety and stress levels. They also help to establish a sense of order in the classroom, which is essential for keeping students on task and focused. Posting a daily schedule, using a timer to signal transitions, and providing a quiet workspace are all examples of routines that can help students with ADHD stay on track.


Clear instructions are also important for students with ADHD, who may struggle with following complex or multi-step instructions. Breaking instructions down into smaller, more manageable steps can help students stay organized and on track. Finally, checking for understanding and providing feedback can also help ensure that students are on the right track.


Providing Frequent and Specific Feedback


Students with ADHD may struggle with self-regulation, making it important to provide frequent and specific feedback. Personally I think that reinforcing positive behaviors can help build their confidence and motivation. Teachers can praise a student for raising their hand before speaking or staying on task for a certain amount of time. This helps students with ADHD understand what they are doing right and what behaviors they should repeat.



In addition, specific feedback is crucial for students with ADHD to make improvements. Teachers can give constructive criticism on how to correct a particular behavior or task. For example, instead of telling a student they need to improve their writing, a teacher can provide specific feedback on areas that need improvement, such as sentence structure or paragraph coherence.


It’s also important to remember that students with ADHD may need more frequent feedback than their peers. Regular check-ins and progress reports can help keep students on track and motivated. Teachers can work with the student to set goals and track their progress towards meeting those goals.

Fostering a Positive and Supportive Classroom Community


As a teacher, fostering a positive and supportive classroom community is crucial for creating a safe and welcoming learning environment for all students. However, this is especially important for students with ADHD who may struggle with social skills and forming relationships with their peers. To create a supportive classroom community, teachers can incorporate team-building activities and group projects that encourage cooperation and communication. By working in groups, students can practice skills such as listening, compromising, and problem-solving, which can benefit their social and emotional development.



Additionally, teachers can use positive reinforcement techniques to encourage positive behavior and reinforce a sense of community in the classroom. This can include celebrating individual and group successes, such as completing a project or reaching a class goal, and acknowledging students for their contributions to the classroom community. By focusing on positive behaviors, teachers can help students with ADHD build self-esteem and a sense of belonging.


Lastly, it’s important to encourage empathy and understanding among students. This is especially important because other students might not always be aware of the challenges others are having. Teachers can model empathy by acknowledging and validating students’ feelings and experiences, and by encouraging students to do the same for their peers. By fostering a classroom culture that values inclusion and respect, students with ADHD can feel more supported and connected to their classmates. By working together to create a positive classroom community, teachers and students can create a supportive learning environment where all students can thrive.


What I had wished to know regarding students with ADHD


In conclusion, as someone who has worked with students with ADHD, I understand the challenges that can arise in the classroom. During my eight years of teaching, I wish there had been more training available to help me better support students with ADHD. As an academic coach, I primarily focus on higher-level academic skills, but I recognize the importance of addressing basic challenges like ADHD. While I am not a specialist in this area, there are professionals who can provide support and guidance to educators working with students who have ADHD. 


I hope that this blog has provided some useful strategies for supporting students with ADHD. It’s important to remember that every student is different and may require individualized support. I am always eager to connect with other educators and hear about their experiences with students with ADHD. 

Hope that helped! If you are a parent or student looking for more tips, keep reading below!

Alexandra Allover

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More support for students

If you are looking for more academic support, I can offer you access to the academic coaching course for students and teachers. Check out this offer for schools if you want to find out how to apply proven learning strategies, techniques to boost motivation and valuable test preparation skills.


Support for parents: Teens’ mental health 

If you are looking for support regarding your child‘s mental health and want to improve your relationship with them, I want to suggest one of my free resources: the DIY Coaching Kit

By learning more about proven coaching strategies of the parent-child dynamics and the psychology behind it, you‘ll be able to act like a life coach for your own child without them even knowing 😉


What schooling fits your family?

If you are looking for a suitable school, a student exchange program, or want to know more about alternative schooling, I might have some suggestions for you.

You want to talk to me about any topic concerning education, schooling, teens’ psychology and mental health? Feel free to email me: