Tips to support a perfectionist teenager

The other day I put out an Instagram poll in my Story to ask all teenagers to tell me what was currently stressing them out the most. Besides the common answers like school and parents, I thought one answer was particularly useful to take up as a blog post and video idea. A perfectionist personality?…

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How do you teach self-confidence to your child?

(Video in German with 🇺🇸🇧🇷🇵🇾 subtitles👍) Two weeks ago I put out a video asking parents what they think were important skills to learn for their children and teens. Their responses ranged from self-responsibility, finding a circle of friends, motivation and self-confidence.   Since self-confidence and motivation go hand in hand, I decided to take…

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Top Test Preparation Tips for Students 15+ years

There comes a time where simply reading your notes is not gonna help you score good grades anymore. Understanding your test conditions can help you already while you study and prepare for your upcoming exam. The following are proven strategies that have helped many students improve test scores and prepare more effectively for exams.  …

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Why try Active Listening with your Teen?

What is Active Listening & why should I use it? Have you ever been told “You don’t get it!” Sometimes it might be a tense situation you’re in and emotions are overwhelming. Other times your teen might have the feeling that they told you something and were misunderstood. Knowing how to apply Active Listening will…

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3 powerful tricks to boost your learning process

How does your mood affect your learning? Did you know that the conditions you’re in when studying affect you in your test situation? Your goal should therefore be to create the same or similar conditions when studying as there are during the test situation.    I want to tell you about three interesting facts about…

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How to avoid miscommunication

Do you ever leave a conversation realizing that you were the only one talking and you didn’t learn anything about the other person? It might happen with a family member, friend or business partner. Miscommunication!     Other times you might feel that others aren’t listening to you. That is most likely not due to your…

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Study in different places for better long-term memory

How to improve your memory while studying? Whereas having the same workspace (e.g. your desk) is beneficial when you want to get into your study mode (for doing homework, writing your to-do list for the next day and so on), you might want to consider changing the context of your study situation when preparing for…

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How to save time studying? RECALL vs. RECOGNITION for test preparation

Self-testing is a must before every test. But which study method saves time and also improves your memory?🤷🏻‍♀️   While studying you might think, ”ah I’ll think of that answer for sure, that seems easy…” but especially if you study fast, re-accessing your memory might be hard.   Self-testing is a must before every test!…

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Morning vs. Night person

Hello, I’m Alexandra, productivity coach and… night person! 😊   You might wonder… why you sometimes get more or less work done at a certain time of the day 🤔   Productivity depends on multiple factors: your stress level the topic you‘re working on the time of the day your biological clock     The…

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